On a wide quite area extend Wadi Al – Salam Cemetery (Peace Valley Cemetery) in the north side of Imam Ali Holly Shrine. It begins from the end of Al – Tossi Street.
The graveyard is very old and (as we said before) the tombs of the two prophets Hood and Salih are in this graveyard. Many speeches were said about the honor of entombment in this area. The entombment removes the torture of the two angles Monkar and Nakeer.
Because there are many speeches about the honor of entombment in this cemetery and honoring of being neighbors of Imam Ali (PBUH); the funeral are coming from all over the world and not from Najaf only. The Arabs transfer the funerals to Najaf and endure the expensive costs of transporting the funerals in order to entombment them in Najaf according to their desire or their will.
Najaf cemetery covers more than (35 Km2) and contains millions of graves, so, it is possible to consider it one of the largest cemeteries in the world.